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         Pakistan Institute of Computer Sciences

Online Student Testimonials


Name: Muhammad Usman Sadaqat
Reg. No: CC-00-OL-3344017 Country: Pakistan

I am so impressed with PICS effort . I think before using PICS my education career was incomplete. I passed 1 Test yet without any repeated attempt! I highly recommend PICS for its effectiveness and efficiency.

Name: Ibtehaj Azeem
Country: Pakistan Reg. No: CC-00-OL-3343991

PICS is a very prestigeous institute of pakistan. PICS is played important role for spreading skills and education.

Name: Aaleshan Ghulam Hussain Talpur
Reg. No: CC-00-OL-7343956 Country: Pakistan

Yes i agree with these of tests i really enjoy and learn from here i hope my work u like and my struggle. now i can find my self my educaion and now i think about others how who knwoing the knowlodge for your own self with the help of this courses and knowledge..........

Name: Trend Adams
Country: Nigeria Reg. No: CC-00-OL-0343946

The Certification Program here is something worthwhile and gives credibility to gain a notable employment. I am glad to have been a part of the service.

Name: Muhammad Junaid Ahmed
Reg. No: CC-00-OL-8333839 Country: Pakistan

i have prepare test and i am going to give test and i believe i will do it and i will pass test and i like your website

Name: Ali Haider
Country: Pakistan Reg. No: CC-00-OL-6323475

i am very impressed with the digital system of PICS. personally it allows me to learn a lot about my field. i am a student of mechanical engineering,

Name: Rabia Sajid
Reg. No: CC-00-OL-7333825 Country: Pakistan

My name is Rabia Sajid. I am impressed with PICS efforts, I specially thanking pics for providing this best opportunity to student. It is the good organization for online diploma. this enhance the learning capabilities students. I am very happy to join this.

Name: jabran wasim
Country: Pakistan Reg. No: CC-00-OL-2343841

Online classes have allowed me to truly make the essence of the course content. It really pushed my boundaries as a student to engage myself in the curriculum more than ever. There is always a reluctance to share personal details of your life with other students in a classroom setting. Online, I found myself being more open and willing to connect to people I never met. This allowed me to understand the material and relate to what was being taught. Most importantly, I found myself creating a solid structure and routine to my life and my classes. That is something I can take with me forever. Although not every class is available for my degree program, I try to take as many online classes as possible